Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Facts about India -Questions and Answers -26

516. The Viceroy during the partition of Bengal:
(a) Hardinge II                                                   (b) Minto I
(c) Curzon                                                           (d) Reading
Answer: (c)

517. The Viceroy during the Second and Third Round Table Conference:
(a) Reading                                                           (b) Irwin
(c) Wellington                                                       (d) Linlithgo
Answer: (c)

518. The Viceroy of India during the Delhi Durbar of 1877:
(a) Wellesley                                                     (b) Lytton
(c) Dufferin                                                           (d) Curzon
Answer: (b)

519. The Viceroy when India got independence:
(a) Wavell                                                           (b) Mountbatten
(c) Wellington                                                    (d) Linlithgo
Answer: (b)

520. The Viceroy when Muslim League was formed in 1906:
(a) MintoII                                                        (b) Hardinge II
(c) Chelmsford                                                 (d) Chelmsford
Answer: (a)

521. The Viceroy when Rowlatt Act was passed?
(a) Hardinge II                                                   (b) Chelmsford
(c) Reading                                                          (d) Wellington
Answer: (b)

522. Who was the Governor General when the administration of British India was transferred from East India Company to the British Crown:
(a) Dalhousie                                                  (b) Mayo
(c) Dufferin                                                      (d) Canning
Answer: (d)

523. Who was the Governor General when the first railway line was established between Bombay and Thane?
(a) William Bentick                                  (b) Canning
(c) Dufferin                                                    (d) Dalhousie
Answer: (d)

524. Who was the Governor General when the first telegraph line was established between Kolkata and Agra?
(a) Canning                                                     (b) Dufferin
(c) Dalhousie                                                   (d) William Bentick
Answer: (c)

525. Who was the Governor General when the Universities of Kolkata, Bombay and Madras were established?
(a) Curzon                                                  (b) Hastings
(c) Canning                                                 (d) Mayo
Answer: (c)

526. The Viceroy when the First Round Table Conference was held in 1930?
(a) Irwin                                                    (b) Reading
(c) Chelmsford                                         (d) Wellington
Answer: (a)

527. The Viceroy when the partition of Bengal was repealed in 1911:
(a) Minto I                                                   (b) Hardinge II
(c) Chelmsford                                          (d) Chelmsford
Answer: (b)

528. The Viceroy when Vernacular Press Act was introduced?
(a) Lytton                                                  (b) Ripon
(c) Dufferin                                                (d) Curzon
Answer: (a)

529. The Viceroy who  believed in free trade and abolished all export duties except those on rice, oil, indigo and lac:
(a) Northbrook                                         (b) Dufferin
(c) Mayo                                                      (d) Lytton
Answer: (a)

530. The Viceroy who announced the date of transfer of power to Indian hands:
(a) Linlithgo                                                   (b) Wellington
(c) Wavell                                                       (d) Mountbatten
Answer: (d)

531. The Viceroy who had been the Commander in Chief of the Indian Army:
(a) Linlithgo                                                     (b) Wavell
(c) Mountbatten                                               (d) Irwin
Answer: (b)

532. The Viceroy who was resigned after the Afghan issue in 1876:
(a) Dufferin                                                   (b) Northbrook
(c) Curzon                                                     (d) Canning
Answer: (b)

533. Who became Governor General two times (1786, 95, 1805)?
(a) Warren Hastings                                     (b) William Bentick
(c) Cornwallis                                                 (d) Hastings I
Answer: (c)

534. Who raised a para-military force called Imperial Service Corps, which was officered by Indians and only inspected by British commanders?
(a) Curzon                                                      (b) Dufferin
(c) Mayo                                                          (d) Ripon
Answer: (b)

535. Who repealed the Vernacular Press Act?
(a) Dufferin                                                                       (b) Mayo
(c) Ripon                                                                           (d) Hardinge II

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