Thursday, January 21, 2016

Graduate Level Questions - 16

Graduate Level Questions - 16
226.A student has to secure 40% marks to pass. He gets 40 marks and fails by 40 marks.
(a) 300        (b) 250      (c) 150           (d) 200
Answer: (d)

227.65,63,60,56,51, ?
(a) 44  (b) 45    (c) 46   (d) 47
Answer: (b)

228.Select the odd one:
(a) KLLM           (b) TUUV          (c) XXXZ          (d) OPPQ
Answer: (c)

229.Ear: Music :: Nose: ?
(a) Face          (b) Breath         (c) Smell         (d) Music
Answer: (c)

230.If the perimeter of a rectangle is 200m and its breadth is 40m then its area in sq.metres is:
(a) 1200        (b) 2400        (c) 4800        (d) 6000
Answer: (b)

231.Man is to Masculine as Woman is to:
(a) Girl         (b) Madam   (c) Feminine   (d) Lady
Answer: (c)

232.350 X ? = 4200
(a) 15         (b) 12         (c) 120         (d) 150
Answer: (b)

233.Doctor : Patient :: Teacher : ?
(a) Class        (b) Student       (c) School        (d) Lesson
Answer: (b)

234.15% of 120 + 25% of 100= ?
(a) 48          (b) 38        (c) 42        (d) 43
Answer: (d)

235.Flower : Bouquet :: Player : ?
(a) Captain  (b) Team       (c) Playground    (d) Flock
Answer: (b)

236.A train travelling at a uniform speed clears a bridge 110 m long in 10 seconds and passes a telegraph post in 5 seconds. The length of train is …..  metres.
(a) 100          (b) 110          (c) 105      (d) 80.3
Answer: (b)

237.Save is related to Rescue in the same way as Seldom is related to:
(a) Certain          (b) Usual       (c) Often       (d) Rarely
Answer: (d)

238.If ABCD is coded as 1234 , what would be GHIF stands for:
(a) 5678        (b) 7869       (c) 7896      (d) 6789
Answer: (c)

239.Six men working 8 hours per day earn Rs.720 per week.  Eight men working 6 hours a day will earn Rs. ……. per week.
(a) 540          (b) 720        (c) 960        (d) 740
Answer: (b)

240.Sun is to Night as Fish is to:
(a) Lake        (b) Sea      (c) Land     (d) Water

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